FAQs - Ultrastream


Q. Is UltraStream portable?
Yes. You can take it with you in your RV, or take it with you when staying in hotels.
We’ve done that several times ourselves. When you come back home, just reconnect it.

Q. How often should I replace my UltraStream cartridge?
The UltraStream is designed to supply a family of four each drinking 2 liters a day for a
complete year. We also recommend the filter be changed once a year even though the
3000 liter (800 gallon) length of service may have not been reached. This gets rid of the
bacteria filtered out of the water but still in the filter.

Q. How much UltraStream water should I drink?
This depends on a number of variables. The normal recommendation is 1/2 of your body weight in ounces a day.
So if you weigh 150 lbs, you should drink 75 oz of water. If you work out, if it’s hot and you’re sweating more, if
you fly, if you have a soda/coffee/tea, then you can choose to drink more. All of those things speed up the
elimination of water and we therefore need more.

Q. Can I adjust the pH of UltraStream water?
All of the attributes of UltraStream water can be controlled by flow rate. The faster the water flows through, the
less pH and hydrogen potent it is. We recommend a flow rate around 1.0 L/min for the best performance. If you
want a lower pH, simply increase the flow rate. The UltraStream has a unique ‘twist n flow’ control to regulate
flow rate, meaning you have no need to adjust the faucet’s flow rate. Just turn on the tap to full and the
UltraStream regulates the flow. Be careful to not completely shutoff
UltraStream by twisting the base to “off.”

Q. How do I store my UltraStream for 6 months?
Remove the UltraStream. Dry out as best as possible draining the hose. Than remove the spout on the top,
invert and drain in a sink for a few hours. You can also dry it in the sun while inverted so it also drains. We’ve
found it helpful to blow threw the diverter pushing the water out the top while inverted. Wrap it in “cling plastic
wrap” and store it in a refrigerator. When reinstalling,
run for 20 minutes to flush it out.

Q. How much fluoride is removed from water using UltraStream?
Through lengthy research and development the UltraStream uses the world’s best activated alumina media,
removing 70% of fluoride throughout the life of the filter. If you want to ensure your water is 100% fluoride free
we recommend a reverse osmosis system in tandem with our UltraStream or call us as we do now have a
fluoride prefilter available for UltraStream. Note: for those concerned about the alumina media, the 2nd stage of
filtration with KDF has been tested and shown to remove the alumina.

Q. Is the activated alumina in UltraStream safe?
Fluoride inhibits iodine from doing its job in the thyroid, so therefore removing fluoride from drinking water is a
very important part of supporting thyroid cancer treatment. Activated alumina removes (greatly reduces) fluoride.
We have the European Safety Certification that shows that the Activated Alumina (AA) is completely removed by
the KDF filtration media.

Q. What other contaminants does the UltraStream remove?
Heavy metals including mercury, lead, aluminum, and copper, as well as bacteria, pesticides, algae and fungi.
For more details, see our lab test results.

Q. Does UltraStream remove pharmaceuticals?
It will remove all the organic based pharmaceuticals but not the synthetic based ones.

Q. Is UltraStream water safe for children of various ages.
The Ultrastream water is going to be incredibly safe for almost every child. The only caution would be anyone
with digestive problems, and then we would just caution against drinking too close to mealtime, especially not
WITH food (adults as well as children). Any water, but especially water which is more alkaline will dilute gastric
acid and reduce its ability to breakdown food, especially protein. Drinking Ultrastream water away from food is
going to be safe. And …. for a child with digestive problems, most will need zinc and this will generally help a lot. I
would include really fussy eaters in the above. Especially those kids for whom the entire diet seems to be white
bread, rice, potato etc. are the only things they will gladly eat – then that is almost always a sign of zinc
deficiency. You can sip water throughout a meal and if you put in a couple of drops of lemon juice in the water.
This will aid digestion. Digestion will improve after drinking the water for a number of months.
Note: 65 million Italians drink alkaline water with every meal.

Q. I put UltraStream water in a glass carafe but it forms a residue I can't clean off. What can I do?
Most likely it's from the calcium the UltraStream has put back into the water. You can use apple cider vinegar to
remove it. Here's more information: http://www.livestrong.com/article/27666cleancalciumdeposits/
or a video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BvCf6KXjE

Q. How many liters of UltraStream water can I pour while keeping the hydrogen levels up?
The UltraStream is designed to supply a family of 4 each with 2 liters (quarts) of water per day for a complete
year. That's about 3,000 liters (800 gallons) a year. It's not designed to run continuously outputting normal levels.
The water needs to have some time in contact with the media. Fill a couple of liters and wait for maybe 20
minutes. Fill another 2 liters.The electronic ionizers do output levels continuously but has 3times
less antioxidant hydrogen and 1/10th the filtration than UltraStream. This is one of the great strengths of the UltraStream.

Q. Why does the water coming out of my UltraStream smell like sulphur?
In drought conditions rotting vegetation in the reservoirs causes resulting sulphur dioxide in the water supply.
You’ll need to add a KDF85 filter before the UltraStream. As of this writing (Jan 2015), our next production run
will use KDF85 media. You can contact us for a filter exchange and we’ll prorate the purchase.

Q. Is the UltraStream suitable for soft or hard water?
Soft water is okay. Hard water with a lot of minerals may impede and clog the filter so . . . we’re in development
of a new UltraStream with a way of occasionally cleaning out the mineral deposits. We’ll let you know when that
unit is available.

Q. I live in KS near farm land. There is a high amount of nitrates in our ground/well water. Does the
UltraStream remove nitrates?
No. Only anion resin media will remove it. RO/distillation will take out ‘most’ of it. Anion resin pulls it out because it
is attracted to positively charged particles nitrates.

Q. I accidentally run hot water through the UltraStream for just 5 minutes. Is this a problem?
This is not a problem although I wouldn't recommend it on a regular basis. When hot water runs through the
filtration media in a cheaper filter it creates tunnels. When tunnels are created the water can run through without
contact with the media which means it doesn't get filtered anymore. We designed the UltraStream to make sure
that hot water wasn't able to tunnel. We used a way of vortexing the water along with a plate inside the unit to
make sure the water spreads evenly which means that the tunnels just can't happen.

Q. Can I use the UltraStream if I have a whole house water softener?
Yes, unlike electric water ionizers, the UltraStream will also work well with a water softener. Softened water isn’t
something you want to drink or cook with, so the UltraStream is a great solution for consumption when you need
to maintain soft water for appliance life and showering.

Q. Will my UltraStream be out of date in a year or so?
Unlike electric water ionizers, the UltraStream’s filter cartridge actually contains the media that ionizes, alkalizes
and infuses hydrogen. So when you change a filter, you mostly get a brand new UltraStream, which will
incorporate any updated technology we have implemented. That’s why we call it an ‘eternal’ system.

Q. What is the hydrogen gas concentration of UltraStream?
With electronic ionizing systems, through the process of electrolysis and agitation of the the water at the face of
the plates, the H2 comes out in tiny bubbles and is NOT infused into the water, then exit the water in very short
time. This does not happen with UltraStream. The H2 generation process in UltraStream is a reaction between H2O
and Mg inside the filter, resulting in the far higher concentrations which we’ve shown via independent unbiased
testing of UltraStream. It still comes down to how much you drink of the water. A gallon of H2 water at .3 ppm
and a gallon of 1.1ppm water (UltraStream) will have very different results for the drinker.